a. Obs. [UN-1 7. Cf. MDu. onduchtich, -dochtich, MLG. undochtich, MHG. untuchtic (G. untüchtig), MDa. and Da. udygtig.] Lacking in good qualities; worthless, bad, vile.
a. 1225. Juliana, 4 (Royal MS.). Maximian þe modi keiser wið unmeð muchel hird & unduhti duheðe.
c. 1460. Towneley Myst., xxiv. 367. Now thise dyse that ar vndughty for los of this good, here I forswere hertely.
1570. Satir. Poems Reform., xxiv. 43. Deir sall ȝe by ȝone foule vnduchtie deid.