sb. dial. [Echoic.] A loud, hollow sound; a heavy blow or fall producing such a sound. So Thunge v. (Eng. Dial. Dict.).
1849. Tom Treddlehoyle, Bairnsla Ann., Feb. (E.D.D.). Sho wor startald wi a thunge at t chaimber door.
1863. J. H. Burrow, Advent. Alfan, 350. He lay down and listened to the thunges of the battering-ram.
1881. Miss Jackson, Shropsh. Word-bk., Thunge (2) sb. a thump; a heavy fall. I come down sich a thunge.
1887. S. Cheshire Gloss., Thunge, s. (1) a loud, hollow sound . It is the word always used to imitate the sound of a gun.