before a vowel sometimes tempor-, used in Anat. as combining form of L. tempora temples (of the head), forming adjectives in the sense pertaining to the temple or temples and (some other part), as temporo-alar belonging to the temporal region and the wing: noting a muscle in birds, -auricular, facial, -hyoid, -malar, -mandibular, -mastoid, -maxillary, -occipital (also temporoccipital), -parietal, -sphenoid, -sphenoidal, -zygomatic.
1842. E. Wilson, Anat. Vade M. (ed. 2), 400. The *Temporo-facial gives off a number of branches which are distributed over the temple and upper half of the face.
1899. Allbutts Syst. Med., VIII. 168. The distribution of the *temporo-malar or any other sensory nerve.
1842. E. Wilson, Anat. Vade M. (ed. 2), 337. The *Temporo-maxillary vein formed by the union of the temporal and internal maxillary.
1890. Billings, Nat. Med. Dict., *Temporo-occipital artery. *Temporoparietal suture, that between temporal and parietal bones.
1879. St. Georges Hosp. Rep., IX. 341. Between the frontal and *temporo-sphenoid lobes.
1890. Billings, Nat. Med. Dict., *Temporo-zygomatic surface, external surface of great wing of sphenoid.