Sc. Obs. Also 6 syithment, 67 sith(e)ment. [f. SYTH v. + -MENT. Cf. ASSYTHMENT.] Satisfaction, compensation, indemnification.
1536. Bellenden, Cron. Scot. (1821), II. 394. In sithement of his ransoun.
1560. Rolland, Seven Sages, 58. This is na mendis to me, Howbeit it be ane syithment to my hart.
1572. Satir. Poems Reform., xxx. 218. The Lord send vs ane sythment of yis suddane slauchter.
1633. W. Struther, True Happines, 66. When we seeke a sithment and revenge on our selves for angring him we take Gods part against our selfe.
1667. in Cramond, Ann. Cullen (1887), 51. £20 to be peyt to the toune for disturbing the peace theroff with £12 of sythment to the pairtie wronged.