combining form of Gr. σῦριγξ, συριγγ- SYRINX, in various terms of anatomy, pathology, etc. Syringograde a. and sb. (see quots.). ǁ Syringomyelia, ǁ -myelus [Gr. μυελός marrow, used for spinal cord], dilatation of the central canal of the spinal cord, or formation of abnormal tubular cavities in its substance; hence Syringomyelic a., of or pertaining to syringomyelia; so Syringomyelitis, inflammation of the spinal cord producing syringomyelia; Syringomyelocele (see quot.). Syringotome [mod.L. syringotomus, Gr. -τομος cutting], an instrument for cutting a fistula; so Syringotomy [mod.L. syringotomia], incision of a fistula.
183947. Todds Cycl. Anat., III. 433/2. *Syringograde animals. Under this denomination we shall include the Holothuria, the Salpæ, and the larvæ of those insects whose progression is effected by the alternate reception and expulsion of water to and from their respiratory organs by an action similar to that of the syringe. Ibid., 434/1. The velocity of the Syringogrades is accelerated during the expulsion of the water, and retarded during its reception.
1880. A. Flint, Princ. Med. (ed. 4), 759. Cavities of variable size and length and more or less centrally located, may be developed in the spinal cord in various ways. The name syringomyelus or *syringomyelia is given to these pathological canals.
1897. Allbutts Syst. Med., III. 310. In syringomyelia very copious sweating is often observed. Ibid. (1899), VI. 554. Out of 97 *syringomyelic arthropathies 29 involved the shoulder joint.
1890. Billings, Nat. Med. Dict., *Syringo-myelitis..., central myelitis; the formation in the spinal cord of a fissure or canal which usually lies posterior to the central canal. Ibid., *Syringo-myelocele a variety of spina bifida in which the central canal of the cord is dilated and the nerves run around the cyst.
1880. *Syringomyelus [see syringomyelia].
a. 1883. Fagge, Princ. Med. (1886), I. 438. The progressive muscular atrophy due to syringomyelus.
1848. Dunglison, Med. Lex. (ed. 7), *Syringotome.
1753. Chambers Cycl., Supp., *Syringotomy.