Mus. Obs. [ad. Gr. σύντονος: see SYNTONOUS.] In diatonic syntone, a mistranslation of Gr. διάτονον σύντονον syntonous diatonic (scale), σύντονον being erron. taken as a sb. (see SYNTONOUS).


[Cf. quot. 1694 s.v. DIATONIC 1.]


1784.  J. Keeble, Harmonics, 30. The diatonic syntone.


1806.  Kollmann, Theory Mus. Harmony, ii. 6. The first foundation of our modern scale, seems to have been laid in that most antient Tetrachord … of the Greeks, called the Diatonic Syntone, which consisted of four notes, equal to our B C D E.