Sc. Obs. pl. The front parts of a gown, coat, etc. (Jam.).
Cf. foirsycht, foirbreist in Jam.
1542. Inv. R. Wardr. (1815), 101. Item ane schort gown of sad cramasy velvott lynit with quhyt taffateis the sychtis with quhyt letuis.
1543. Acc. Ld. High Treas. Scot., VIII. 187. Item, deliverit to lyne the sychris thairof, v quarteris blak teffites of Janis. Ibid. (1548), IX. 222. Item, vj quarterris taffateis [of] foure thredis to lyne the sychtis of hir goun, xxiiij s.