Also -feldt. [ad. Cape Du. zoetveld, lit. sweet field.] In South Africa, land of good quality for food-plants.
1785. G. Forster, trans. Sparrmans Voy. Cape G. Hope (1786), I. 250. By the Sweet-fields (Zoete-velden) are meant such places as do not correspond to the descriptions given above of the Zuure and Carrow veld.
1850. R. G. Cumming, Hunters Life S. Afr. (1902), 10/2. Those from about the frontiers of the colony, or anywhere beyond the Orange River, are termed Sweet-feldt oxen.
[1876: see VELDT 1.]
1905. Sci. S. Afr. 3834 (Pettman). Wherever it [sc. lime] does occur marked fertility and sweet-veld results.