v. north. dial. [f. the same root as prec. + frequent. suffix -LE. Cf. G. dial. schwatteln to splash, etc.]
1. intr. To make a splashing or spluttering noise in or with water. (Cf. prec. 1.)
1671. Depos. Cast. York (Surtees), 186. That she carryed him downe and threw him in the becke, and that he swattled after he came in the becke.
c. 1700. Kennett, MS. Lansd. 1033. Swattle, to drink as ducks doe water.
b. intr. and refl. To tipple or guzzle drink.
1785. Bran New Wark (E. D. S.), 460. He can be naa nebbour at dow, that tipples and swattles, and idles fra morning to neet.
c. 1826. Hogg, in J. Wilsons Wks. (1855), I. 224. Some wouldna gie misery a dram Though they swattle themselves till they spew.
2. = prec. 2.
1681. H. More, Expos. Dan., Pref. 93. By making them swattle away their love and zeal upon false objects.
1691. Ray, N. C. Words, To Swattle away, to waste.
1876. Mid-Yorks. Gloss., s.v., Till thoud swattled it clean away, bit by bit.