a. Obs. Also 7–8 beastian. [f. L. bestia, BEAST + -AN.] Of or belonging to the ‘Beast’ of the Apocalypse (cf. BEAST 7). Bestianism, the power of the Beast; Bestianize, to be a follower of the ‘Beast.’


1652.  Culverwell, White Stone (1661), 134. This Bestian Empire, (for so ’tis stil’d in the Revelation,) delights only in sensuals, and strikes at spirituals.


1660.  H. More, Myst. Godl., 208. It does not follow, because the number of the Beast is not upon us, that we do not Bestianize.


1691.  Beverley, Mem. Kingd. Christ., 9. Even as if It were the Beastian Power. Ibid. (1701), Apoc. Quest., 30. The Life, and Beastianism, Idolatrous Supremacy, shift from one Head to another.