a. Obs. [OE. stær(e)blind = OFris. staru-, stare-, starblind, MDu. staerblint (mod.Du. staarblind), OHG. staraplint (MHG. starblint, mod.G. staar-, star-, starrblind), ON. starblind-r (Sw. starrblind, Da. stærblind); f. OTeut. *staro- found as MDu. star rigidity (of the eyes in death), mod.G. staar, star, Du. staar, Sw. starr, Da. stær cataract in the eyes; app. cogn. w. OHG. starrên (mod.G. starren) to be stiff or rigid, MHG. stärre, sterre (mod.G. starr) stiff, rigid.] ? Blind without perceptible lesion of the eyes.
c. 725. Corpus Gloss., S 134. Scotomaticus, staerblind.
c. 1000. in Cockayne, Shrine (1864), 187. Ʒyf he enyʓ wiht ʓeseon mæʓ, buton he stare blind si. Ibid. Sume beoð stære blinde.
c. 1250. Owl & Night., 241. Bi daye þu art stare-blynd.