Obs. Forms: 4 lusshebourne, -borwe, -borue, -borgh, -burgh, lusseburgh, lusschebruys, lusshbourue, 4–5 lussheburghe, 5 -burne, luschburue, -bowrn, 7 Hist. lushbrough, -borow, -burgh, (lushoborow), 8 Hist. lushborough, -burg. [Anglicized name of Luxemburg.] A base coin made in imitation of the sterling or silver penny and imported from Luxemburg in the reign of Edward III. Also Lussheborue sterling.


1346.  Rolls of Parl., II. 160/2. Item, pur ce que plusours Marchantz … emportent la bone Moneie d’esterlyng hors de ceste terre, & de jour en autre reportent diverses fauxes Monoies appellez Lusshebournes [etc.]. Ibid. (1351), 239/1. Si homme apporte fause Monoie en cest Roialme … sicome la Monoie appelle Lusseburgh [etc.].


1377.  Langl., P. Pl., B. XV. 342. As in lussheborwes is a lyther alay and ȝet loketh he lyke a sterlynge.


c. 1386.  Chaucer, Monk’s T., 74. God woot no lussheburgh payen ye.


1393.  Langl., P. Pl., C. XVIII. 72. Men may lykne letterid men to a lussheborgh, oþer werse. Ibid., 82. Thus are þe lithere lykned to lussheborue sterlinges.


c. 1440.  Promp. Parv., 317/2. Luschburue (S. lushburue, papirus).


a. 1500.  Piers of Fullham, 42, in Hazl., E. P. P., II. 11. No luschbowrns but money of fyne asaye.


1607.  Cowell, Interpr., Lushoborow, is a base coine vsed in the daies of King Ed. the 3. coined beyond Seas to the likenes of English money.


1716.  M. Davies, Athen. Brit., III. 78. ’Twas made High Treason in K. Edw. 3 Days, to bring in or receive the Counterfeit Money, call’d Lushburg.