Something given as a sign or token of love.
Beowulf (Z.), 1863. Sceal hring naca ofer hea þu bringan lac & luf tacen.
1590. Shaks., Mids. N., I. i. 27. Thou hast giuen her rimes, And interchangd loue-tokens with my childe.
1626. Bp. Hall, Contempl., O. T., XX. viii. What Church in the world can show such deare love-tokens from the Almighty as this?
16[?]. Child Maurice, xxii. in Child, Ballads, II. 265/2. For thou hast sent her loue-tokens, More now then two or three.
1836. J. H. Newman, in Lyra Apost. (1849), 26. Yes! let the fragrant scars abide Love-tokens in thy stead.
1877. W. Jones, Finger-ring, 343. He sent two diamond rings, as love-tokens to Mary, Queen of Scots.