a. Obs. [Connected with OE. loddere beggar, poor wretch. Cf. OHG. lotar adj., vain, idle (MHG. lotar adj., loose, unsteady, loter, lotter sb., mountebank, rogue, mod.G. dial. lotter, loose, exhausted; also in mod.G. lotterbube blackguard, and in other compounds: see Grimm). The OTeut. stem *lod- is related by ablaut to *leuþ- in LITHER a.] Wretched.


a. 1400.  Minor Poems fr. Vernon MS. (E.E.T.S.), 624/441. But a Barn be twyȝes born, Whon domus-day schal blowen his bemus, He may elles liggen loddere for-lorn.


  Hence † Lodderly adv., wretchedly, basely.


c. 1425.  Eng. Conq. Irel., 22. To helpe thys heyth man that … þrogh hys owne men lodderly was of lond y-dryue.