Obs. Also lodam(e, loadam, loadem, load him. [Florio (1598 and 1611) identifies the game with one called in It. carica lasino (load the ass), which suggests load em as the etymological spelling; but the reason for the name is not clear.] A game of cards; in one form, called losing loadum, the loser won the game.
1591. Florio, 2nd Fruites, 67. At primero, at trump and at lodam.
1599. Hist. of Pope Joan, A j b. In which the gamesters like loadam playe and bring them forth last that are of most price.
1601. 2nd Pt. Return fr. Parnass., Prol. 14. You that have beene deepe students at post and paire, saint and Loadam.
1611. Cotgr., Coquimbert qui gaigne pert. A game at cards, like our loosing Lodam.
1650. Bulwer, Anthropomet., 111. Which must needs be hindred by their practise, which with Rings and Jewels play at such loosing Loadem with their Lips.
1652. Urquhart, Jewel, Wks. (1834), 232. After the nature of Load-him, a game at cards where he that wins loseth.
1695. Congreve, Love for L., I. xi. To converse with Scandal, is to play at Losing Loadum; you must lose a good Name to him, before you can win it for yourself.
1755. Poor Robin, an Almanac, Dec. At loadum, cribbidge, and all fours.