comb. form of LAMINA, as in Laminiferous a., ‘having a structure consisting of laminæ or layers’ (Ogilvie, 1851). Laminiform a., laminar in form or structure. Laminiplantar a. Ornith. [L. planta sole], having laminate tarsi; pertaining to the Laminiplantares of Sundevall’s classification. Laminiplantation, the quality or condition of being laminiplantar.


1834.  H. M’Murtrie, Cuvier’s Anim. Kingd., 345. The four last [feet] are compressed, ciliated, or laminiform.


1872.  Coues, Key N. Amer. Birds (1884), 126. This results from the laminiplantation … and is equally well exhibited by most passerine birds, whether they have booted or anteriorly scutellate tarsi.


1888.  Syd. Soc. Lex., Laminiplantar, applied to the metatarsus of birds when the integument forms a continuous horny sheath along its anterior and lateral surfaces, as in thrushes.