From the translation of John Carr, 1779.

HOW can you be expected to distinguish those books which are old and valuable from those which are not, unless by their being thumbed and worm-eaten; for which purpose you do well to call to your aid a council of moths, otherwise no accurate judgment can ever be formed by you. But, if I should grant that you are not unacquainted with the taste of Callinus, or the industrious Atticus, of what use, I pray, can those beauties be to you, which you can no more enjoy than a blind man those of his mistress? You examine some authors very carefully, even more than enough, and some you skim slightly over with a single glance of your eye. But what can it all signify, when you can be no judge of the merit or demerit of the work? when you are ignorant of the scope of the writer? what arrangement he has proposed to himself, where he has happily succeeded to a nicety, and where his diction appears vapid and adulterate? Or do you pretend to the art of criticism without any previous study? If so, you must have been presented, like the shepherd, with a branch of laurel from the Muses. But I believe you never once heard the trickling of Helicon, where the goddesses have fixed their abode. You never were a neighbor of theirs in the days of your youth, nor have the least recollection of any such beings. I do not say that the Muses have not condescended to visit a homely shepherd, sunburned, and roughly clad; but to such a person as you (Venus, the goddess of Elegance, will excuse my speaking more plainly), to such a man as you, I am confident, they will never come near. Instead of a present of laurel, you would be more likely to get a good beating with mallow. Their Holmus and their Hippocrene they would choose to keep unpolluted for thirsty flocks and the pure lips of shepherds. Impudent and audacious as you are, you will hardly presume to say that you derive any advantage from education, or have any more than outside acquaintance with authors. I have never heard the name of your schoolmaster, nor of any of your schoolfellows. But all the benefits of education, you think, may be obtained by having plenty of books. Very well; go on; collect all the manuscripts of Demosthenes, to which add the books of Thucydides, which the former is reported to have copied fairly over no less than eight times with his own hand. If you had all the books, which Sylla sent home from Athens, how much wiser, can you suppose, they would make you, even if you should sleep upon them, or wear them round your body? An ape, the proverb says, is still an ape, though decorated with a golden collar. You have always a book in your hand, and are continually reading, but what then? What are you more than the ass moving his ears at the sound of the lyre? Truly if the possession of books would make a man a scholar, they could never be sold for their worth, and we poor fellows going to market would make no figure at all. We could not pretend to vie in knowledge with the booksellers, because we have not so many books. Yet, if you examine them, you may possibly find some of them hardly more learned than yourself, equally ignorant, and inelegant, scarce seeing any difference between right and wrong. And yet what is your handful of authors, which you purchase of them, when compared to the multitudes, which they are handling night and day? I want to know what good reason you can assign for your conduct; unless you can believe that, when books lie on a shelf, they make the shelf as learned as themselves. Answer me a question or two, if you please. Or rather give me a nod, to show your assent or dissent, when you have heard what I am going to say. If a man unskilled in music should possess the pipes of Timotheus, or those which cost Ismenias five talents at Corinth, would that make him a piper? Being ignorant of their use, the possession of the pipes would be of no avail. Could it? You nod very properly, meaning no. For the pipe of Marsyas, or Olympus, would not enable a man to play without first learning music. The bow and arrows of a Hector would not make a Philoctetes. Do you think they would? No; you say no. For the very same reason a person ignorant of navigation, though master of the finest ship, and the best appointed, could no more direct it to a port than a man ignorant of the equestrian art can make any figure on horseback, though mounted on the finest steed in the world. You allow what I say to be true. Be candid then, and do the same by what I have further to observe; an illiterate man, like you, by purchasing a great number of books, only makes his ignorance the more conspicuous, and the more an object of derision. What, no nod of assent? Can you deny it? It is a clear case, for everybody asks what a dog has to do with a bath. Not long ago there was in Asia a rich man who had the misfortune to lose his feet, in consequence, I believe, of having been obliged to travel through the snow. To remedy which loss as well as he could, he procured a pair of wooden feet, which he fastened to the stumps, and made a shift to crawl about by leaning on a servant. But the ridiculous part of the story was, that he made a point of having always the handsomest shoes, and those of the very newest fashion, to adorn his blocks,—his feet I mean. I think your conduct is not very unlike his.