IN sustained power of description, De Quincey’s “Pains of Opium” is the only essay in the English language which can be rightly classed with “On the Ocklawaha in May,” by Sidney Lanier, while, as might be expected, the melody of Lanier’s prose is greatly superior to that of De Quincey’s. Almost wholly neglected during his lifetime, Lanier was recognized after his death as one of the greatest poets of the nineteenth century. He wrote little, but of that little nothing can be spared. His “Hymns of the Marshes” have been pronounced by his English admirers the greatest poems ever written in America; and if we take purity and sublimity as the standard by which to judge the essential element of great poetry, we need not hesitate to conclude that they are unequaled in the English verse of the nineteenth century. They show a greater intensity than Browning’s and a higher lyrical faculty than Tennyson’s. Lanier is not Longfellow’s equal in breadth; and a life of suffering made him so intensive and introspective that, while distinctly superior to Longfellow in poetic quality, he is greatly his inferior in that most important quality by which the poet who has a message to deliver to mankind succeeds in making it intelligible to the largest possible number of people. Lanier’s poetry has been growing steadily in favor with the decrease of sectional prejudices, but as a prose writer he is scarcely known at all. The prose essay by which he is best known is an examination of the fundamental principles of English verse. While it is of interest chiefly to specialists, it is a most extraordinary production. In it Lanier, who was a highly trained musician with an exquisite ear for melody, was carried by his sense of music to a realization of the fundamental principle which governs the melody of Homer and other great classical poets who practiced the Homeric mode. This may be called a coincidence, as Lanier had made no special study of classical verse, and as far as appears was unaware of the fundamental identity of principle governing the music of English verse, and that of the classical poets. But if a coincidence, it is one of governing law—not of chance. Lanier’s own verse approximates the melody of the great classical poets, especially of the Horatian lyric and the Virgilian hexameter, to an extent that can never be realized except through the closest scientific comparison. It is scientifically accurate to say that he illustrates classical modes better than any other poet of the nineteenth century, and classical melody better than any other of the century except Burns. The ear for melody which governs his verse controls every inflection of the wonderful prose of his “On the Ocklawaha in May.” Whether he is in jest or earnest, whether he is listening to a deck hand’s whistling, or looking at the stars, the simple unforced, thoroughly natural prose in which he expresses his own unconscious sublimity, rises and falls with the free swing of a tune played by a master of the violin expressing his own deepest feelings and highest thoughts in his music. The essay is one of a series on Florida scenery contributed by Lanier to Lippincott’s Magazine in 1875. It was afterwards used with others by Florida railroads to advertise the State, and those who read it aloud in his cadences will not need to be told that neither before nor since has any State had such an advertisement. There is no pretense of fine writing or “word painting” about it. The effort which becomes evident in the highest reaches of De Quincey’s descriptive writing is nowhere apparent. The reader can hardly avoid the fear that Lanier will break down before the close and lapse into the bathos which so often punishes vigorous American attempts at eloquence; but Lanier is not more vigorous in his attempt than he would be in playing the flute or the violin, and whether he is gay or sad, sublime, or witty, he goes through to the end as easily, as unostentatiously, as naturally, as if the music of his language were really that of the instruments on which he learned “the whole art of composition.”


  He was born at Macon, Georgia, February 3d, 1842. His father, Robert S. Lanier, was a lawyer of ability and standing; and the family had sufficient means to educate Sidney at Oglethorpe College, where he graduated in 1860. At the age of nineteen he enlisted in the Confederate Army and served until captured near the close of the war, contracting, as a result of hardship and exposure, the disease of the lungs of which, after years of suffering, he died at Lynn, North Carolina, September 7th, 1881. From 1868 to 1872 he studied and practiced law at Macon. In 1873 he removed to Baltimore where he supported himself by playing the flute at concerts, and afterwards (1879–1881) as lecturer on English Literature at Johns Hopkins University. His poems, edited by his wife, were first collected and published in 1884. They have not yet attained general circulation, and they probably will not until they can be reproduced in popular editions. But no one who reads them at all is ever likely to forget them. In such verses as—

  “Ye marshes, how candid and simple and nothing-withholding and free,
Ye publish yourselves to the sky and offer yourselves to the sea!
Tolerant plains, that suffer the sea and the rains and the sun,
Ye spread and span like the Catholic man who hath mightily won
God out of knowledge and good out of infinite pain
And sight out of blindness and purity out of a stain,”—
we have a suggestion more nearly adequate than can be found in any other modern poet of the free melody of classical verse, and with it a sublimity of thought which no classical poet ever attained. Lanier’s life was one of infinite pathos, and he set it to immortal music.