Complete. From “Things Seen.”

I HAVE had for friends and allies, I have seen successively pass before me, and according to the changes and chances of destiny, I have received into my house, sometimes in intimacy, chancellors, peers, dukes, Pasquier, Pontécoulant, Montalembert, Bellune; and celebrated men, Lamennais, Lamartine, Châteaubriand; Presidents of the Republic, Manin; leaders of revolution, Louis Blanc, Montanelli, Arago, Heliade; leaders of the people, Garibaldi, Mazzini, Kossuth, Mieroslawski; artists, Rossini, David d’Angers, Pradier, Meyerbeer, Eugène Delacroix; marshals, Soult, Mackau; sergeants, Boni, Heurtebise; bishops, the Cardinal of Besançon, M. de Rohan, the Cardinal of Bordeaux, M. Donnet; and comedians, Frédéric Lemaître, Mlle. Rachel, Mlle. Mars, Mme. Dorval, Macready; ministers and embassadors, Molé, Guizot, Thiers, Lord Palmerston, Lord Normanby, M. de Ligne; and of peasants, Charles Durand; princes, Imperial and Royal Highnesses and plain Highnesses, such as the Duke of Orleans, Ernest of Saxe-Coburg, the Princess of Canino, Louis Charles Pierre, and Napoleon Bonaparte; and of shoemakers, Guay; of kings and emperors, Jerome of Westphalia, Max of Bavaria, the Emperor of Brazil; and of thorough revolutionists, Bourillon. I have had sometimes in my hands the gloved and white palm of the upper class and the heavy black hand of the lower class, and have recognized that both are but men. After all these have passed before me, I say that Humanity has a synonym—Equality; and that under heaven there is but one thing we ought to bow to—Genius; and only one thing before which we ought to kneel—Goodness.