From “Philosophical Elements of a True Citizen.”

THE CAUSE of mutual fear consists partly in the natural equality of men, partly in their mutual will of hurting; whence it comes to pass that we can neither expect from others, nor promise to ourselves, the least security. For if we look on men full-grown, and consider how brittle the frame of our human body is, which perishing, all its strength, vigor, and wisdom itself perisheth with it; and how easy a matter it is, even for the weakest man to kill the strongest: there is no reason why any man, trusting to his own strength, should conceive himself made by nature above others. They are equals, who can do equal things one against the other; but they who can do the greatest thing, viz., kill, can do equal things. All men, therefore, among themselves are by nature equal; the inequality we now discern hath its spring from the civil law.


  All men in the state of nature have a desire and will to hurt, but not proceeding from the same cause, neither equally to be condemned. For one man, according to that natural equality which is among us, permits as much to others as he assumes to himself; which is an argument of a temperate man, and one that rightly values his power. Another, supposing himself above others, will have a license to do what he lists, and challenges respect and honor, as due to him before others; which is an argument of a fiery spirit. This man’s will to hurt ariseth from vainglory, and the false esteem he hath of his own strength; the other’s from the necessity of defending himself, his liberty, and his goods, against this man’s violence.


  Furthermore, since the combat of wits is the fiercest, the greatest discords which are must necessarily arise from this contention. For in this case it is not only odious to contend against, but also not to consent. For not to approve of what a man saith is no less than tacitly to accuse him of an error in that thing which he speaketh: as in very many things to dissent is as much as if you accounted him a fool whom you dissent from. Which may appear hence, that there are no wars so sharply waged as between sects of the same religion, and factions of the same commonweal, where the contestation is either concerning doctrines or politic prudence. And since all the pleasure and jollity of the mind consist in this, even to get some, with whom comparing, it may find somewhat wherein to triumph and vaunt itself; it is impossible, but men must declare sometimes some mutual scorn and contempt, either by laughter, or by words, or by gesture, or some sign or other; than which there is no greater vexation of mind, and than from which there cannot possibly arise a greater desire to do hurt.


  But the most frequent reason why men desire to hurt each other ariseth hence, that many men at the same time have an appetite to the same thing; which yet very often they can neither enjoy in common, nor yet divide it; whence it follows that the strongest must have it, and who is strongest must be decided by the sword.