THE WORK now famous as “Creasy’s Battles” (Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World) appeared first as a series of essays published from time to time in English reviews. Their excellence was apparent from the first, and when they were collected and published in book form (1852) they at once took their permanent place among the most popular historical essays of the language. Their popularity is still so great that both in England and America new editions are constantly appearing. Creasy was born in Kent, England, September 12th, 1812. Among his works are “The Rise and Progress of the English Constitution,” “History of the Ottoman Turks,” etc.; but he is known to the general public only by his “Battles.” The secret of their success lies primarily in the choice of subject and in the wealth of well-handled incident with which he illustrates and develops the subject. He died in London, January 27th, 1878.