PAUL BOURGET, essayist, poet, and novelist, was born at Amiens, France, September 2d, 1852. His father, a mathematician of eminence, was rector of the academies of Aix and Cleremont. Beginning his scholastic education under his father, Bourget completed it at the College St. Barbe in Paris. His first notable work as an essayist appeared in a volume of “Essais de Psychologie Contemporaine,” published in 1883. His “Studies and Portraits” appeared in 1888 and his second series of “Portraits” in 1891. These had been preceded by “La Vie Inquiète,” a volume of poems published in 1874. He became a member of the Legion of Honor in 1885 and of the Academy in 1894. His essay on “Victor Hugo” appeared first in May, 1885, immediately after the announcement of Hugo’s death.