Complete. “Imitation of Christ,” Chap. iv.

WE must not give ear to every saying or suggestion, but ought warily and leisurely to ponder things according to the will of God.


  But alas! such is our weakness that we often rather believe and speak evil of others than good.


  Those that are perfect men do not easily give credit to everything told them; for they know that human frailty is prone to evil, and very subject to fail in words.


  It is great wisdom not to be rash in thy proceedings, nor to stand stiffly in thine own conceits;


  As also not to believe everything which thou hearest, nor presently to relate again to others what thou hast heard or dost believe.


  Consult with him that is wise and conscientious, and seek to be instructed by a better than thyself, rather than to follow thine own inventions.


  A good life maketh a man wise according to God, and giveth him experience in many things.


  The more humble a man is in himself, and the more subject and resigned unto God, so much the more prudent shall he be in all his affairs, and enjoy greater peace and quiet of heart.