MRS. SOMERVILLE, whose “Connection of the Physical Sciences” and similar works gave her high rank among the scientific essayists of the nineteenth century, was born at Jedburgh, Scotland, December 26th, 1780. Her father. Sir William George Fairfax, was an admiral in the British navy. She had, and improved to an extraordinary degree, the advantages of her education and position. After the death of her first husband, Capt. Samuel Greig, she married her cousin, Dr. William Somerville, who encouraged and assisted her in the study of the physical sciences. After translating Laplace’s “Mécanique Céleste,” in 1831, she published her “Connection of the Physical Sciences” four years later, and in 1848 her “Physical Geography.” Her “Molecular and Microscopic Science” appeared in 1866 and her “Personal Recollections” after her death, which occurred at Naples November 28, 1872.