From Bishop Percy’s translation of the “Younger Edda.”

GANGLER thus began his discourse:—“Who is the first or eldest of the gods?”


  “In our language,” replied Har, “he is called Alfadir (All-Father, or the Father of All); but in the old Asgard he had twelve names.”


  “Where is this god?” said Gangler; “What is his power, and what hath he done to display his glory?”


  “He liveth,” replied Har, “from all ages, he governeth all realms, and swayeth all things great and small.”


  “He hath formed,” added Jafnhar, “heaven and earth, and the air, and all things thereunto belonging.”


  “And what is more,” continued Thridi, “he hath made man, and given him a soul which shall live and never perish though the body shall have moldered away, or have been burned to ashes. And all that are righteous shall dwell with him in the place called Gimli, or Vingolf; but the wicked shall go to Hel, and thence to Niflhel, which is below, in the ninth world.”


  “And where did this god remain before he made heaven and earth?” asked Gangler.


  “He was then,” replied Har, “with the Hrimthursar.”