SISMONDI, the celebrated historian of Italy and of Italian literature, was born at Geneva, Switzerland, May 9th, 1773. His father, a village pastor, was named “Simonde,” a patronymic which the son for literary and other purposes altered to the more aristocratic one of “de Sismondi.” The Simonde family emigrated from Geneva during the French Revolution, and after spending a short time in England, settled at Pescia, near Lucca, in Italy, where Sismondi received the bent which resulted in his most celebrated works. His “History of the Italian Republics” appeared between 1807 and 1818, and his “Literature of the South of Europe” between 1813 and 1829. He wrote, besides, a “History of France,” a number of works on Political Economy and “Julia Severa,” a historical novel, which appeared in 1829. He died at Geneva, June 2Sth, 1842.