v. Obs. Pa. pple. 6 funerat, funerated. [f. L. fūnerāt- ppl. stem. of fūnerāre, f. fūner-, fūnus: see FUNERAL.] trans. To bury with funeral rites.
1548. Richmond Wills (Surtees), 66. My body to be funerat within the churcheyerd of Fyngell. Ibid. (1568), My bodye to be funerated or buried within the churche of Est Witton.
So Funeration [late L. fūnerātiōn-em], the performance of funeral rites.
1625. Ussher, Answ. Jesuit, 311. To the funeration belongeth the imbalming of the dead body.
1693. Knatchbull, Difficult Texts, 41. The rites of funeration.