v. Obs. [f. FOR- pref.1 + SMITE.] trans. To smite in pieces; to strike down.
c. 1205. Lay., 1598. He hine for-smat a-midden.
c. 1314. Guy Warw. (A.), 3621.
Swiche a þousende for smiten þai be | |
Þat neuer after schullen y-the. |
c. 1420. Pallad. on Husb., III. 272.
As thyng with leyt forsmyton, wol they die; | |
For thy do way that febul husbondrye. |
c. 1475. The Romans of Partenay, 2104.
Here And there cafte doun, fighting ful manly, | |
On all for-smete. |