Obs. Used in proverbial phrase Fleck and his make, a contemptuous designation for a man and his paramour.


1529.  More, Dyaloge, I. xvii. 22 b/1. I tell you nothyng now of many a noughty pak, many a flekke and hys make that maketh theyre metyng at these holsum hallows. Ibid. (1532), Confut. Barnes, VIII. Wks. 780/2. What would the general counsail of the whole chyrch haue sayed vnto that frere, and what vnto flecke hys make?


1546.  J. Heywood, Prov. (1867), 57.

                        I did lately héere,
How flek and his make, vse their secrete hauntyng,
By one byrd, that in mine eare was late chauntyng.