arch. Also 6 bonibell, 7 bonnie-bell, 6 and 9 bonnibell, 8 bonibel, 9 bonny belle. [app. f. BONNY a. + BELLE a. and sb.; but possibly f. F. bonne et belle good and fair: cf. the equivalent BELLIBONE.]
Fair maid, bonny lass.
1579. Spenser, Sheph. Cal., Aug., 62. I saw the bouncing, Bellibone; Hey ho Bonibell. Ibid., April, 92, Gloss. A bellibone, or a Bonibell, homely spoken for a fair mayde, or Bonilasse.
1600. Lodge, Engl. Helicon, P b. She simpred smooth like bonnie-bell.
1823. Lockhart, Sp. Ballads, Vow Reduan, ii. But bid a long farewell To bower and bonnibell, thy feasting and thy wooing!